The 2020 WTF Rookie Rolls Results

Only "applicable" attributes are shown for each position. Those include, for QB: MS, PS, PC, AB; for RB: RS, MS, HP, BC, REC; for WR: RS, MS, BC, REC; for TE: MS, HP, BC, REC; for OL: MS, HP; for DL, LB, & DB: MS, HP, INT; for K: KA, AKB; for P: KP.
Refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page for the standard attribute ratings for the "non-applicable" attributes.

Rd.Pick Team Roll Draftee Attributes
1.1 Atlanta Falcons 87 (20%) Jovan Houston DB 56 50 63
1.2 Seattle Seahawks (thru GIA. thru K.C.) 37 (60%) Heath White WR 44 56 63 63
1.4 Houston Texans (thru DEN.) 79 (10%) Luis Miller LB 69 75 13
1.5 Pittsburgh Steelers 8 (60%) Derek Benson DB 56 56 63
1.6 Denver Broncos (thru HOU.) 78 (25%) Chris Thurman RB 38 50 38 50 44
1.7 Cleveland Browns 47 (60%) Matt Moore RB 50 50 75 50 25
1.8 Cincinnati Bengals 87 (20%) Marcus Barber DB 44 56 56
1.9 New York Jets 76 (30%) Joel Davis LB 50 56 13
1.10 Los Angeles Raiders (thru G.B. thru DET.) 76 (25%) David Jones LB 63 50 38
1.11 Green Bay Packers (thru RAI.) 60 (60%) Joe Washington DB 50 56 63
1.12 Buffalo Bills (thru GIA.) 94 (15%) Kerry Jones WR 38 44 50 44
1.13 Denver Broncos (thru SEA.) 74 (80%) James Harris OL 44 69
1.14 Seattle Seahawks (thru N.E. thru S.F.) 2 (60%) Brandon Brown QB 13 44 50 50
1.15 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru DAL.) 3 (70%) Kyle Clayton LB 50 63 25
1.16 Jacksonville Jaguars 11 (80%) Cameron Webster OL 38 69
1.17 Buffalo Bills 56 (70%) Reynaldo Willis RB 38 50 50 50 31
1.18 Seattle Seahawks (thru N.E.) 77 (15%) Trent Jacobs TE 50 63 50 63
1.19 Los Angeles Rams 39 (60%) Jason Babineaux DB 50 56 56
1.20 Green Bay Packers 61 (70%) Brandon McFadden LB 50 56 25
2.1 Seattle Seahawks (thru ATL.) 53 (60%) Cameron Fields DL 50 69 13
2.2 Pittsburgh Steelers 21 (70%) David Merriman DB 50 50 56
2.3 Denver Broncos 29 (70%) Darren Poppinga DB 50 56 50
2.5 Cincinnati Bengals 8 (70%) Chauncey Williams OL 38 56
2.6 Atlanta Falcons (thru SEA. thru DEN. thru HOU.) 73 (30%) Chris Kaczur WR 38 50 50 25
2.7 Cleveland Browns 89 (20%) Scott McFadden OL 31 56
2.8 Los Angeles Rams (thru DET.) 97 (20%) Jonathan Patterson OL 31 50
2.9 Atlanta Falcons (thru DET. thru GIA. thru K.C.) 75 (10%) Roscoe Morency QB 13 56 56 56
2.10 Buffalo Bills (thru GIA.) 30 (40%) Jim Montgomery DB 56 31 44
2.11 New York Jets 14 (70%) Jammal Hill OL 31 56
2.12 Cincinnati Bengals (thru RAI.) 89 (20%) Sean Daniels DB 56 38 63
2.13 Denver Broncos (thru SEA.) 58 (60%) Travis Tuck DL 56 56 19
2.14 Cleveland Browns (thru DET. thru S.F.) 99 (35%) JJ Gore WR 38 44 50 44
2.15 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru DAL. thru DET. thru DAL.) 62 (80%) Dylan Walter LB 50 50 19
2.16 Jacksonville Jaguars 53 (25%) Ronald Bradley LB 56 56 50
2.17 Buffalo Bills 56 (60%) Kelvin Ruud LB 50 50 19
2.18 New England Patriots 12 (60%) Reggie Ruud RB 38 44 56 50 44
2.19 Los Angeles Rams 59 (60%) CC Novak QB 13 38 50 44
2.20 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru G.B.) 83 (10%) Karl Dreessen RB 50 38 94 50 44
3.1 Atlanta Falcons 7 (50%) Justin Weaver DB 50 38 56
3.2 Los Angeles Raiders (thru PIT.) 38 (50%) Matt Moats OL 25 56
3.3 Denver Broncos 91 (25%) Maurice Patterson LB 38 50 13
3.5 Detroit Lions (thru CIN.) 6 (50%) Alex Parrish QB 13 44 44 44
3.6 Detroit Lions (thru HOU.) 64 (100%) DeMarcus Orton K 75 63
3.7 Cleveland Browns 17 (60%) Carlos Johnson QB 19 44 38 31
3.8 Atlanta Falcons (thru SEA. thru N.E. thru DET.) 32 (50%) Charlie Kluwe WR 38 44 50 44
3.9 Seattle Seahawks (thru GIA. thru K.C.) 33 (70%) Josh Grant DB 50 50 50
3.10 Buffalo Bills (thru GIA.) 48 (50%) CC Harris DB 50 38 50
3.11 New York Jets 10 (70%) Todd Everett WR 38 50 50 38
3.12 Green Bay Packers (thru RAI.) 20 (70%) Daniel Frye OL 44 50
3.13 Atlanta Falcons (thru SEA.) 50 (60%) Alex Ghiaciuc TE 38 50 50 50
3.14 New England Patriots (thru S.F.) 54 (70%) Nick Pouha RB 38 44 50 50 44
3.15 Dallas Cowboys 81 (20%) Dave Sanders DB 44 50 38
3.16 Jacksonville Jaguars 62 (80%) Alvin Johnson DB 50 44 50
3.17 Buffalo Bills 65 (15%) Kelvin Pollack DB 56 50 56
3.18 Seattle Seahawks (thru N.E.) 77 (15%) Adam Brown WR 38 44 50 63
3.19 Detroit Lions (thru RAMS) 47 (80%) Chris Orlovsky WR 38 44 50 50
3.20 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru G.B.) 38 (60%) Corey Nugent OL 38 50
4.1 Atlanta Falcons 99 (100%) Mike Baas K 56 56
4.2 Pittsburgh Steelers 80 (20%) Cadillac Montgomery OL 44 56
4.3 Denver Broncos 2 (60%) Aaron Ware OL 31 50
4.5 Cincinnati Bengals 65 (15%) Lofa Burnett LB 56 38 6
4.6 Houston Texans 66 (30%) Alex Anderson DL 63 56 25
4.7 Cleveland Browns 67 (70%) Michael Hagler DB 56 25 25
4.8 Cincinnati Bengals (thru DET.) 27 (60%) Frank Snyder OL 25 50
4.9 Seattle Seahawks (thru GIA. thru K.C.) 77 (20%) Ryan Rolle LB 50 56 25
4.10 Buffalo Bills (thru GIA.) 4 (60%) Leonard Reid TE 38 44 50 44
4.11 New York Jets 62 (70%) Trai Rhodes OL 31 50
4.12 Detroit Lions (thru RAI.) 14 (60%) JJ Fuller QB 6 75 31 56
4.13 Denver Broncos (thru SEA.) 48 (60%) Derek Rayner LB 44 50 19
4.14 Detroit Lions (thru S.F.) 48 (70%) Ryan Miller RB 38 44 44 50 38
4.15 Dallas Cowboys 10 (40%) Stanford Weaver LB 44 50 13
4.16 Jacksonville Jaguars 42 (99%) David Everett RB 6 6 6 6 6
4.17 Buffalo Bills 71 (25%) Chris Terry WR 38 44 50 56
4.18 San Francisco 49ers (thru N.E.) 11 (60%) Kevin Essex OL 31 50
4.19 Los Angeles Rams 28 (80%) Shawne Williams OL 31 50
4.20 Green Bay Packers 92 (20%) Billy Cody OL 25 44
5.1 Atlanta Falcons 44 (60%) Stanford Parrish OL 44 44
5.2 Pittsburgh Steelers 6 (60%) Chris McGowan DL 50 50 25
5.3 Denver Broncos 47 (60%) Kevin Routt DL 38 56 19
5.5 Cincinnati Bengals 46 (60%) Dave Jackson DL 50 50 19
5.6 Houston Texans 82 (25%) Joel Nugent WR 6 6 6 6
5.7 Cleveland Browns 9 (60%) Chris Brown DL 44 56 13
5.8 Detroit Lions 77 (95%) Trent Benson TE 19 31 50 25
5.9 Seattle Seahawks (thru DET. thru GIA. thru K.C.) 98 (15%) Erasmus Brown LB 31 50 13
5.10 Buffalo Bills (thru GIA.) 3 (50%) Thomas Arrington LB 38 44 13
5.11 New York Jets 14 (60%) Ron Hill DL 38 56 19
5.12 Detroit Lions (thru RAI.) 40 (50%) Daniel Clayton DB 44 31 44
5.13 Denver Broncos (thru SEA.) 10 (60%) Heath James TE 31 38 50 38
5.14 San Francisco 49ers 81 (10%) Charlie Sproles DL 56 63 13
5.15 Dallas Cowboys 57 (60%) Ray James DL 50 50 13
5.16 Jacksonville Jaguars 79 (30%) Eric Henry OL 19 44
5.17 Buffalo Bills 82 (20%) Adam Bartell OL 31 38
5.18 Seattle Seahawks (thru N.E.) 12 (60%) Troy Scaife DB 50 56 44
5.19 Los Angeles Rams 22 (70%) Ellis Roth DL 44 56 13
5.20 Green Bay Packers 71 (10%) Brandon Leonhard DL 50 63 13

"Non-applicable" attributes are attributes that are either constant throughout the position or are linked to a certain MS attribute for defensive positions. These are not the irrelevant attributes of QUI or PA. Here is how they are broken down:

QB - RS:25, RP:69, HP:13;
RB - RP:69;
WR - RP:69, HP:13;
TE - RS:25, RP:69;
OL - RS:25, RP:69;
DL & LB - if MS > 56 => RS:44, RP:56; if MS = 56 => RS:38, RP:50; if MS = 50 => RS:31, RP:44; if MS = 44 => RS:25, RP:38; if MS < 44 => RS:25, RP:31;
DB - if MS > 63 => RS:44, RP:56; if MS = 63 => RS:38, RP:50; if MS = 56 => RS:38, RP:44; if MS = 50 => RS:31, RP:38; if MS < 50 => RS:25, RP:31;
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